Simple Player

Simple Player service privacy policy

1. What is the privacy policy? Simple Player actively guarantees the user's right to self-determination of personal information. The company complies with the relevant laws, personal information protection regulations, and guidelines of the Republic of Korea that the information and communication service provider must comply with. Privacy policy refers to the guidelines that the company must follow to protect users' valuable personal information so that users can use the service with confidence. This privacy policy applies to Simple Player services.

2. Collection of Personal Information Currently, Simple Player's service collects the minimum amount of personal information necessary for service provision. Personal information collected from users in the process of using the service is as follows. In the process of using the app, information such as terminal information (OS, screen size, device ID) for user statistics and service usage records can be automatically generated and collected. The above may not be collected directly from Simple Player, but may be collected from Google Play, Firebase, Facebook, Twitter, Bitly and other solutions for user statistics.

3. Use of personal information It is used for member management, service provision and improvement, and new service development.

4. Provision of personal information Simple Player does not provide the user's personal information to a third party except with the user's separate consent or stipulated by law.

5. Destruction of personal information Personal information is destroyed without delay once the purpose of collection and use is achieved.

6. If you have any other questions regarding personal information, please contact us at and we will give you a detailed answer.

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